2025.02.14 [APPLICATION] AY2024 2nd Semester Application for Certificate (Deadline: Mar 12 (Wed) 2025) ▼
Students who have completed the curriculum will be awarded the AY2024 Second Semester "Certificate of Completion of the ANSET-CP Curriculum".
・3S Lecture Courses*
・3S Exercise Courses*
*For more details on the replacement courses, see the form of Accomplishment Report.
(2) ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT * Summarizing Completion of the ANSET-CP Curriculum,
(3) ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT Verifying the ANSET-CP Curriculum Completion, and
(4) Documents Confirming the 3S Internship(s) and/or Exceptional Requirements as Necessary.
* Forms
Submission : BOX
Deadline : March 12 (Wed), 2025
The certificate will be awarded in the Degree Award Ceremony of Nuclear Engineering on March 26 (Wed), 2025.
ANSET-CP (Advanced Nuclear 3S Education and Training in Cyber-Physical Space)
Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Integrated Research
Institute of Science Tokyo
TEL:03-5734-2034, E-MAIL:anset-cp at zc.iir.isct.ac.jp
2024.10.28 IAEA Internship Students Visit to the Permanent Mission of Japan in Vienna ▼
On October 22, 2024, Professor Hiroshi SAGARA paid a courtesy to the Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna, accompanied by four IAEA internship students (two from the ANSET-CP program and two from the D-ATOM program).
2024.09.20 AY2024 1st Semester Ceremony for Completion of the ANSET-CP Curriculum ▼
On September 20, 2024, the AY2024 1st semester ceremony for completion of the Advanced Nuclear 3S Curriculum of ANSET-CP was held, and three students received their certificates.
2024.09.10 [APPL] AY2024 Second 「3S Research Project」 (DL:Oct 11 (Fri), 2024) ▼
We are pleased to announce that applications are now open for the Second 「3S Research Project」 in AY2024. This project aims to deepen expertise in nuclear 3S (Safety, Security, and Safeguards) through independent research activities. We welcome and support students who wish to conduct research and publish their achievements related to 3S. Applicants should check the Announcement before applying.Note: Applications are open twice in AY2024 (April and September).
2024.07.31 [APPLICATION] AY2024 1st Semester Application of Certificate (Deadline: Sep 4 (Wed) 2024)) ▼
Students who have completed the curriculum will be awarded the AY2023 Second Semester "Certificate of Curriculum Completion of ANSET-CP".
・3S Lecture Courses*
・3S Exercise Courses*
*For more details on the replacement courses, see the form of Accomplishment Report.
Please submit the application forms to the BOX of 「5. CONTACT」 by Sep 4 (Wed), 2024.
The certificate will be awarded in the Degree Award Ceremony of Nuclear Engineering held on Sep 20 (Fri), 2024.
ANSET-CP (Advanced Nuclear 3S Education and Training in Cyber-Physical Space)
Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Tokyo Institute of Technology
TEL:03-5734-2034, E-MAIL:anset-cp[at]zc.iir.titech.ac.jp
2024.04.17 [APPL] AY2024 First 「3S Research Project」 (DL:May 17 (Fri), 2024) ▼
We are pleased to announce that applications are now open for the First 「3S Research Project」 in AY2024. This project aims to deepen expertise in nuclear 3S (Safety, Security, and Safeguards) through independent research activities. We welcome and support students who wish to conduct research and publish their achievements related to 3S. Applicants should check the Announcement before applying.
Note: Applications will be open twice in AY2024 (April and September).
2024.04.12 Briefing & Report Sessions on AY2023-2024 「3S Research Project」 (Apr 17 (Wed), 2024) ▼
The ANSET-CP Program is running 「3S Research Project」 to encourage students to conduct research and publish their achievements. We will assist students by covering Domestic Travel Expenses, Conference Fees, Paper Submission Fees, English Proofreading Costs, etc.
A briefing session on the AY2024 First 「3S Research Project」 will be held as below. Additionally, we will have a report session on the outcomes of the AY2023 projects. If you are interested, please join us for these events.
■ Date & Time:Apr 17 (Wed) 17:15-18:15, 2024
■ Place:Room 571, Ookayama North Bldg. 2
■ Program:
17:15-17:25 A Briefing on the AY2024 First 「3S Research Project」
17:25-18:15 Reports on the AY2023 「3S Research Project」
・ Report 1 CHONG Hong Fatt
・ Report 2 Krittanai Kiatkongkaew
・ Report 3 LISOWSKI Eva
・ Report 4 HUANG Yumin
・ Report 5 MILAI Enkhbaatar
・ Report 6 HASHIMOTO Yuki
・ Report 7 KUSAKA Yuto
・ Report 8 HARA Daisuke
・ Report 9 SATO Hayato
2024.03.26 AY2023 2nd Semester Ceremony for Completion of the ANSET-CP Curriculum ▼
The AY2023 2nd semester ceremony for completion of the Advanced Nuclear 3S Curriculum of ANSET-CP was held on March 26 (Tue), 2024, and 11 students received the certificate.
2024.02.15 [APPLICATION] AY2023 2nd Semester Application of Certificate (Deadline: Mar 18 (Mon), 2024) ▼
Students who have completed the curriculum will be awarded the AY2023 Second Semester "Certificate of Curriculum Completion of ANSET-CP".
・3S Lecture Courses ※
・3S Exercise Courses ※
※ For more details on the replacement courses, see the form of Accomplishment Report. - APPLICATION FORMS
Please submit the application forms to the BOX of 「5. CONTACT」 by Mar 18 (Mon), 2024. - AWARD
The certificate will be awarded in the Degree Award Ceremony of Nuclear Engineering held on Mar 26 (Tue), 2024. - CONTACT
ANSET-CP (Advanced Nuclear 3S Education and Training in Cyber-Physical Space)
Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Tokyo Institute of Technology
TEL:03-5734-2034, E-MAIL:anset-cp@zc.iir.titech.ac.jp
2023.08.23 [APPLICATION] AY2023 1st Semester Application of Certificate (Deadline: Sep 8 (Fri), 2023) ▼
Students who have completed the curriculum will be awarded the AY2023 First Semester "Certificate of Curriculum Completion of ANSET-CP".
・ 3S Lecture Courses ※
・ 3S Exercise Courses ※
※ For more details on the replacement courses, see the form of Accomplishment Report.
Please submit the application forms to the BOX of 「5. CONTACT」 by Sep 8 (Fri), 2023.
The certificate will be awarded in the Degree Award Ceremony of Nuclear Engineering held on Sep 22 (Fri), 2023.
ANSET-CP (Advanced Nuclear 3S Education and Training in Cyber-Physical Space)
Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Tokyo Institute of Technology
TEL:03-5734-2034, E-MAIL:anset-cp@zc.iir.titech.ac.jp
2023.05.30 Briefing Session on the AY2023 First 「3S Research Project」 ▼
A briefing/debriefing session on the AY2023/AY2022 「3S Research Project」 will be held as below.
We look forward to your participation.
■ Date and Time:2023年6月5日 (月) 17:45-18:35
■ Place:Room 571, North Bldg. 2
■ Program:
<Briefing on the AY2023 First 「3S Research Project」>
17:45 Presented by Prof. MATSUMOTO / Prof. SAGARA
<Debriefing on the AY2022 「3S Research Projects」>
17:55 Reported by CHONG Hong Fatt
18:05 Reported by IMAMURA Rikiya
18:15 Reported by HARA Daisuke
18:25 Reported by TANABE Kosuke
2023.03.27 AY2022 2nd Semester Ceremony for Completion of the ANSET Curriculum ▼
The AY2022 2nd semester ceremony for completion of the Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program (ANSET) curriculum was held on March 27 (Mon), 2023, and five students received the certificate.
2023.02.24 [APPLICATION] AY2022 2nd Semester Application of Certificate (Deadline: Mar 17 (Fri), 2023) ▼
Students who have completed the curriculum will be awarded the "Certificate of Curriculum Completion of the Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program (ANSET)".
・ Announcement Flyer
・ Application Requirements and Forms
・ Deadline: March 17 (Fri), 2023
・ Ceremony: March 27 (Mon), 2023
(The certificate will be awarded by the ANSET director in the Degree Award Ceremony of Nuclear Engineering.)
2022.03.31 AY2021 2nd Semester Ceremony for Completion of the ANSET Curriculum ▼
The AY2021 2nd semester ceremony for completion of the Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program (ANSET) curriculum was held on March 28 (Mon), 2022, and five students received the certificate.
2022.03.24 Prof. SAGARA Made a Lecture on the IAEA Webinar (March 7, 2022) ▼
On March 7, 2022, World Women Day, Professor SAGARA made a lecture on nuclear non-proliferation and security activity in Tokyo Tech and women professionals in these fields, at the webinar hosted by Women in Nuclear Security Initiative (WINSI), co-hosted by Amity University, India.
Nuclear non-proliferation and security are one of the attractive fields for gender equality, and graduated students from Tokyo Tech are actively working
2022.03.22 「AY2021 Overseas Internship」 Report Session (Mar 24 (Thu), 2022) ▼
The Report Session for the AY2021 Overseas Internship will be held as follows.
If you are interested in overseas internships or studying, please join.
■ Date and Tim: March 24 (Thu), 2022, 16:00 ~ 17:05
■ Location: Online (Zoom)
■ Program
16:00 ~ 16:05 Introduction HAN Chi Young
16:05 ~ 16:20 Report Presentation on IAEA Internship KODAMA Yu
16:20 ~ 16:35 Report Presentation on IAEA Internship SASANO Natsuki
16:35 ~ 16:50 Report Presentation on IAEA Internship FUJIO Kazuki
16:50 ~ 17:05 Report Presentation on IAEA Internship OKAZAKI Haruka
■ Registration : https://forms.gle/PvzGC1FX7gN5Kwu48
2022.02.21 [Application] AY2021 2nd Semester Application of Certificate (Deadline: Mar 14 (Mon), 2022) ▼
Students who have completed the curriculum will be awarded a "Certificate of Curriculum Completion of the ANSET Program". Please Submit the Application Forms to the ANSET Office (Room 312, North Bldg. 1, Ookayama Campus).
■ Announcement Flyer
■ Application Requirements and Forms
■ Deadline: March 14 (Mon), 2022
■ Ceremony: March 28 (Mon), 2022
(The certificate will be awarded by the ANSET director in the Degree Award Ceremony of Nuclear Engineering.)
2021.12.03 JAEA 「The 2021 International Forum」 Student Session (Dec. 14 (Tue), 2021) ▼
The Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN) of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) holds an annual International Forum on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security starting from 16:00, December 15 (Wed), 2021 (JST).
As an eve event of the International Forum, a student session takes place as follows. If you are interested the student session, please join it.
■ Date and Time: December 14 (Tue), 2021, 17:00 ~ 19:00 (JST)
■ Form of the Event: Zoom Webinar
■ Panelists
栗城 祐輔 (B4 Tokai University)
Hamelberg Jasmine (B3 Tokai University)
Sarbaland Faisal (B4 Tokai University)
三星 夏海 (D2 Tokyo Institute of Technology)
岡崎 陽香 (M1 Tokyo Institute of Technology)
■ Program: https://www.jaea.go.jp/04/iscn/activity/2021-12-15/announce_ss.html
2021.09.27 AY2021 1st Semester Ceremony for Completion of the ANSET Curriculum ▼
The AY2021 1st semester ceremony for completion of the Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program (ANSET) curriculum was held on September 24 (Fri), 2021, and two students received the certificate.
2021.08.17 [Application] AY2021 1st Semester Application of Certificate (Deadline: Sep 13 (Mon), 2021) ▼
Students who have completed the curriculum will be awarded a "Certificate of Curriculum Completion of the ANSET Program". Please Submit the Application Forms to the ANSET Office (Room 312, North Bldg. 1, Ookayama Campus).
■ Announcement Flyer
■ Application Requirements and Forms
■ Deadline: September 13 (Mon), 2021
■ Ceremony: September 24 (Fri), 2021
(The certificate will be awarded by the ANSET director in the Degree Award Ceremony of Nuclear Engineering.)
2021.03.26 AY2020 2nd Semester Ceremony for Completion of the ANSET Curriculum ▼
2The AY2020 2nd semester ceremony for completion of the Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program (ANSET) curriculum was held on March 26 (Fri), 2021, and seven students received the certificate.
2021.03.26 Kotaro SAIKAWA’s Internship Report Published (AY2019 Overseas Internship) ▼
The internship report of Kotaro SAIKAWA (first year master student at that time), who has conducted an AY2019 Overseas Internship at UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation) for three months from December 2019, was published in “Radiation Biology Research Communications (Vol. 55, No. 4, 398-399)” in December, 2020.
2021.02.12 AY2020 2nd Semester Application of Certificate (Deadline: Mar. 15 (Mon), 2021) ▼
Students who have completed the curriculum will be awarded a "Certificate of Curriculum Completion of the ANSET Program". Please Submit the Application Forms to the ANSET Office (Room 312, North Bldg. 1, Ookayama Campus).
■ Announcement Flyer
■ Application Requirements and Forms
■ Deadline: March 15 (Mon), 2021
■ Ceremony: March 26 (Fri), 2021
(The certificate will be awarded by the ANSET director in the Degree Award Ceremony of Nuclear Engineering.)
2020.12.23 Information: IAEA 2021 Internship ▼
The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and Tokyo Tech signed an internship agreement in May, 2020. Under this agreement, on a yearly basis, the IAEA provides specific internship opportunities with the desired academic background and qualifications to Tokyo Tech, accompanied by the terms of reference providing for, inter alia, the receiving Division in which the intern will be placed.
The information on the "IAEA 2021 Internship" will be provided for Tokyo Tech students who are interested in the internship. Please feel free to contact us by the email at the URL below.
■ http://www.ne.titech.ac.jp/kiseijinzai/en/contact/index.html
The application guidelines for AY2021 Overseas Internship of ANSET will be announced after April, 2021.
2020.12.03 JAEA 「The 2020 International Forum」 Student Session (Dec. 8 (Tue), 2020) ▼
The Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN) of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) holds an annual International Forum on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security starting from 16:00, December 9 (Wed), 2020 (JST). In this forum, ISCN introduces Japan’s effort towards nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security through the JAEA, as well as enhances understanding about various issues and policies concerning the peaceful use of nuclear energy and nuclear nonproliferation, and nuclear security.
As an eve event of the International Forum, a student session "The Blade Pioneering the Future" takes place as follows. The students who participated in the ISCN summer internship will introduce their experiences in the internship and discuss what the international community and Japan should do toward a "Nuclear Threat-Free World". If you are interested the student session, please join it.
■ Date and Time: December 8 (Tue), 2020, 17:00 ~ 19:00 (JST)
■ Form of the Event: Online (Language: Japanese)
■ Panelists
加賀山 雄一 (M1 Tokyo Institute of Technology)
白藤 雅也 (M1 Hiroshima University)
立野 嵩陽 (M1 Nagaoka University of Technology)
栗城 祐輔 (B3 Tokai University)
■ Program: https://www.jaea.go.jp/04/iscn/activity/2020-12-09/announce_ss.html
2020.11.30 「Overseas Internship」 Joint Debriefing and Information Session (Dec. 11 (Fri), 2020) ▼
A Joint Debriefing and Information Session for Overseas Internship will be held as follows.
If you are interested in internships at IAEA, UNSCEAR, or CTBTO in AY2021, please join.
■ Date and Time: December 11 (Fri), 2020, 13:20 ~ 14:15
■ Location: Online (Zoom)
■ Program
Moderator: Associate Prof. Hiroshi SAGARA
(1) Re-Inventing Japan Project (Russia)
13:20 ~ 13:25 Introduction (Prof. Toru OBARA)
13:25 ~ 13:40 A Debriefing of AY2019 MEPhI Internship (Ryo AOYAGI)
(2) ANSET Program
13:40 ~ 13:45 Introduction (Prof. Satoshi CHIBA)
13:45 ~ 14:00 A Debriefing of AY2019 IAEA Internship (Hiroki KAWADA)
14:00 ~ 14:15 A Debriefing of AY2019 UNSCEAR Internship (Kotaro SAIKAWA)
2020.10.30 Hiroki KAWADA’s IAEA Document Published (AY2019 Overseas Internship) ▼
The IAEA document of Hiroki KAWADA (first year master student at that time), who has conducted an AY2019 Overseas Internship at the Nuclear Data Section of IAEA for three months from December 2019, entitled ”Processing of the Evaluated Photonuclear Data Library (IAEA/PD-2019)" was published in August, 2020.
The Evaluated Photonuclear Data Library (IAEA/PD-2019) is a new IAEA library that contains evaluated nuclear data related to photonuclear reactions, and is an updated version of the previous library released in 1999 as IAEA/PD-1999 assembled under the IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP). The new library consists of evaluated data of 219 nuclides in total contributed by research institutes in China, South Korea, Japan and Romania.
Hiroki KAWADA was in charge of header modification of the evaluated photonuclear data (PD), verification of PD format with the ENDF-6 format checking & utility code, verification of PD processing with the NJOY code, etc. during his internship.
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2020.09.25 AY2020 1st Semester Ceremony for Completion of the ANSET Curriculum ▼
The AY2020 1st semester ceremony for completion of the Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program (ANSET) curriculum was held on September 25 (Fri), 2020, and two students received the certificate.
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2020.08.05 [Application] AY2020 1st Semester Application of Certificate (Deadline: Sep. 7 (Mon), 2020) ▼
Students who have completed the curriculum will be awarded a "Certificate of Curriculum Completion of the ANSET Program". Please Submit the Application Forms to the ANSET Office (Room 312, North Bldg. 1, Ookayama Campus).
■ Announcement Flyer
■ Application Requirements and Forms
■ Deadline: September 7 (Mon), 2020
■ Ceremony: September 27 (Fri), 2020
(The certificate will be awarded by the ANSET director in the Degree Award Ceremony of Nuclear Engineering.)
2020.03.26 AY2019 2nd Semester Ceremony for Completion of the ANSET Curriculum ▼
The AY2019 2nd semester ceremony for completion of the Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program (ANSET) curriculum was held on March 26 (Thu), 2020, and five students received the certificate.
2020.03.23 NRA (The Nuclear Regulation Authority) Business Briefing (On-line Consultation) ▼
All ministries of Japan refrain from holding mass briefings for employment since March, 2020 in order to avoid spreading COVID-19. The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) conducts face-to-face briefings (for all occupations) using Skype so that you can easily consult about details of the work that are hard to talk about in a mass briefing.
■ More Information (in Japanese)
2019.09.20 The Nuclear Security School of Tokyo Tech 2019 (NUSST 2019) ▼
November 25 - 27, 2019 (Reiwa 1st)
Organized by The Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program (ANSET), Tokyo Institute of Technology
The ANSET program invites you to NUSST 2019 that is held at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) in cooperation with the IAEA. NUSST 2019 provides lectures and exercises of nuclear security including role-playing exercies as a regulator or as operator for several cases. All students and working professionals interested in nuclear security are welcome to join.
Please register to join from the on-line form below. (There is a limited number of participants.)
Date | Nov. 25 (Mon) | 12:30~ | Resistration
13:00~18:00 | Opening, Lectures, and Exercises | ||
18:00~20:00 | Evening Event(charged) | ||
Nov. 26 (Tue) | 09:00~16:45 | Lectures and Exercises | |
Nov. 27 (Wed) | 09:00~12:30 | Radioisotope Facility, Exercise, and Closing | |
Venue | Tokyo Institute of Technology (Ookayama Campus)↓ https://www.titech.ac.jp/english/maps/ookayama/ |
Lectures, Exercises, and Evening Event |
1F, Multi-purpose Hall, Environmental Energy Innovation Bldg. (EEI Bldg.; North Bldg.3), Ookayama North Area https://www.titech.ac.jp/english/maps/ookayama/ |
Language: | English | ||
Evening Event Fee: | General: 1,500JPY / Students: 1,000JPY | ||
Details: | Program.pdf (Ver.2) | ||
Registration: | Closed: Nov. 15, 2019 (Fri) | ||
Poster: | NUSST 2019 Poster.pdf> (Coming soon) |
2019.09.20 AY2019 1st ANSET Certificate Ceremony ▼
Sep. 20th 3 people get a certificate of ANSET Education program from ANSET director

2019.08.06 Announcement for AY2019 1st ANSET Certificate ▼
2019.07.26 Announcement for AY2019 6th LANE Colloquium ▼
Title: | Challenges and Answers in Nuclear Security |
Lecturer: | Kristof Horvath |
Affiliation: | International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Division of Nuclear Security, Depertment of Nuclear Safety and Security |
Place/Time: | N1 1st Meeting room / 16:45 - 18:00 |
Language: | English |
Abstract: | He will explain about the overview of nuclear security in the world,and also introduce the coordinated research projects with member state countries. |
2019.03.26 AY2018 ANSET Certificate Ceremony ▼
Mar. 26th 8 people get a certificate of ANSET Education program from ANSET director

2018 Radiation Disaster Response Exercise (NCL.O605) ▼
The exericise will be performed in the period: 23rd Feb. - 1st Mar.
The detail is written in OCW.
2018.10.12 2018 Domestic Internship ▼
We prepare the internwhip experiences
in Nuclear Material Control Center (NMCC) and in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Period: | about 2 weeks |
Date: | 18th Feb. - 22nd Feb. & 4th Mar. - 8th Mar. |
Place: | Tokai Safegards Center & Rokkasho Safeguards Center |
Contents: | To larne the system on domestic safeguards, the role of NMCC, the safeguards situation in the Rokkasho facilities, & Working experience on the domestic safeguards and verification activity |
Period: | about 2 weeks |
Date: | 26th Nov. - 30th Nov. & 3rd Dec. - 7th Dec. |
Place: | Integratedd Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN) |
Contents: | Training course on State System of Accounting for and Control (SSAC) |
Please check the applicant eligibility for Domestic Internship using Brochure, and please submit the fulfiled application form to us.